Elisabeta Isanos - Bibliography
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  • Nostalgic Cities, poems, Publishing House for Literature (Editura pentru literaturã), Bucharest, 1969
  • Poems, “Junimea” Publishing House, Iasi, 1980
  • Winter Garden, poems, Eminescu Publishing House, Bucharest, 1987
  • Boundless, poems, Bucharest, 1999
  • Passport for the Upper Town, prose, Bucharest, 1999
  • Doctor over the treasure, prose, Bucharest, 1999
  • A Song of the Sun, poem, Bucharest, 2001
  • Finding Magda Isanos, biographic essay, PRO Foundation Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003
  • The Way to Ombria, prose, Augusta/Artpress Publishing House, Timiºoara, 2004
  • Cosânzenii*, biographic novel, Augusta/Artpress Publishing House, Timiºoara, 2005
  • Amur, novel, Augusta/Artpress Publishing House, Timiºoara, 2006
  • You know how little time you have..., 180 quatrains by Omar Khayyam, Romanian equivalencies, Lucman Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007
  • In Bucharest no Address, essay, “Vremea” Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008
  • Early Sunday Morning, poems, electronic edition read by the author, On-line edition of www.isanos.ro
  • The Western Gate, Lucman Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010.


  • The House in the Valley (La Maison dans la Vallée), story, in the anthology “Francophone Stories and Short Stories), Editions Echanges Internationaux, Paris, 1995;
  • Scents, selected poems (in Romanian and French), in the Anthology of the International Festival “Nights of Poems at Curtea de Argeº”, “Poesys 10 Excelsior”, 2007;
  • Curse, sonnet, in the anthology “Autographs for the Literary Bucovina”, “Muºatinii” Publishing House, Suceava, 2009;
  • Early Sunday Morning, elected poems published in the review “Orizont literar contemporan” (Contemporary Literary Vistas), II, no.6 (11), July 2009;
  • Christmas, Muteness, sonnets published in the “Poetry” review, XIV, no.4(50), winter 2009;
  • Five Sonnets, three in Romanian and two in French, in the “Anthology of the Romanian Sonnet”, vol. 2 and 3, “Muzeul Literaturii Romane” (Romanian Literature Museum) Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009;


  • Mihai Eminescu, Poezii/Poésies (Poems), Libra Publishing House, 1993;
  • Mihai Eminescu, Poezii/Poésies (Poems), Libra Publishing House, 1994;
  • Magda Isanos, Poezii/Poésies (Poems), Libra Publishing House, 1996;
  • Carolina Ilica, Din foc si din gheatã/De feu et de glace, Ars Multimedia/The East-West International Academy, Bucharest/Metz, 2006;
  • Carolina Ilica, Plângând de frumusete/Beauté qui fait gémir (Crying for Beauty) (Woolen Book) launched at the 2007 edition of the International Festival “Nights of Poems at Curtea de Argeº”.


  • Elena Vãcãrescu, poems in "Selected Writings", Minerva Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975;
  • Elena Vãcãrescu, poems, in the volume "My Country”, Minerva Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977;
  • Mihai Eminescu, Rugãciunea unui dac/La Priere d’un Dace/Prayer to a Dacian, in “La Langue Française au risqué des cultures. Actes du Congres”, Éditions Échanges Internationaux, Paris, 1995;
  • Mihai Eminescu, Freamãt de codru/Friselis du bois/Forest Rustling, in „La foret. Anthologie poétique”, Éditions Du Chene, Paris, 1997 ;
  • Mihai Eminescu, poezii, în Poeme alese/Poemes choisis/Selected Poems, “Grai ºi Suflet – Cultura naþionalã” (Speech and Soul – National Culture) Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999;
  • Mihai Eminescu, La steaua/Vers l’Étoile/To the Star, two versions, in the anthology “To the Star, in the Languages of the Words”, Kiev, Svit Publishing House, 2000;
  • Mihai Eminescu, Venere si Madonã/Vénus et Madone/Venus and the Madonna, in the Anthology of the International Festival “Nights of Poems at Curtea de Argeº”, East-West International Academy Publishing House, 2005.
  • Participation (with translations into French of several poems) at the following CDs:

  • Les cinq Épîtres de Mihai Eminescu/Five Letters by Mihai Eminescu, recited by Radu, Prince of Hohenzollern-Veringen, Fondation Culturelle Roumaine (Romanian Foundation for Culture) – Electrecord;
  • Mihai Eminescu, the Poet's Life and Work in several languages, (several poems translated into French), Libra Cultural Foundation, 2000.

  • NOTE

    * Cosânzeni is the no longer existing name of a locality (a village and the hospital near by) close to the city of Chisinãu (Basarabia). The toponym was created by the author’s grandfather, doctor Mihai Isanos, soon after WWI when Basarabia joined Romania, in order to replace the Russified name of the village. Unfortunately, before the toponym was registered as such, the village joined a larger commune and the hospital preserved its old name, Costiujeni, which has its own very sad story. The name Cosânzeni still appeared in a few baptism and marriage certificates issued by the hospital parish. Etymologically, the name Cosânzeni is related to the main feminine character is the beautiful Cosânzeana (an equivalent of the Fairy Queen), but also to the idea of brotherhood, associated to a no longer existing word, cosângean, meaning of the same blood. An approximate etymological translation would be Fairy Talers.